Student voice

As a school, we support the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the child (UNCRC), which in Article 12, Children’s participation, states that all children and young people have the right to:

  • express their views freely

  • be heard in all matters affecting them

  • have their views taken seriously, appropriate to age and maturity

It is important that our young people have a way to discuss their opinions, views and thoughts.  Student Council provides a platform for students to voices opinions, and have their views taken into account in decisions which impact upon them.  The student council provides a sense of responsibility and pride in our school, as well as the opportunity to learn about democracy within the school environment, and throughout the local and global community.

Aims of the Student Council

  • All Priory School Students will learn how to be active and democratic citizens following and embedding the British values

  • We support and to develop a student council framework which is inclusive, allowing everyone to have their say in proactively promoting positive change within the school

  • Student Council Members are supported to collect and share the views of their peers about issues affecting them.

  • We will include those students whose views are often expressed through how they behave, and depend on the interpretation of others.

  • School Management will consider the views of all students when making decisions which impact upon students.


  • Meetings are held fortnightly

  • Minutes are taken by Learner Voice Practicioner, and communicated to teachers to share with class groups

  • Teachers provide time for class representatives to feed back and ask their class peers if they have any concerns they want student council to discuss

  • Regular presentations are made in assembly

Student council Constitution

  • Education — students learn new skills in communication and decision-making

  • Democracy — ensure every student has a voice

  • Real — solve real problems and make real decisions

  • Open and transparent — work with school management team, staff, teachers and peers feeding back information and decision details

  • Concern — about their school and happens in it and to it

  • Worthwhile — ensure students understand the benefits of Student Council not only personally but also to theirs and the whole school community